Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nothing too new or exciting for today...

Hey blog world, this is Rachelle, I wanted to just drop in and say hi. I have nothing new or exciting for you today. I was working on some onsies for our Etsy shop (coming soon) but after burning my arm pretty good on the iron and having to take my stitching out twice I gave up and decided to call it a night. Hopefully tomorrow Andrea or myself will have something really cool to share. Hope you all have a great night!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sidewalk Fun

It has been so nice out this week that I wanted to get my kids out of the house so we decided to make some homemade sidewalk chalk and beautify our condo complex.  This is such an easy inexpensive recipe and it is lots of fun.

Ingredients needed:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 cups of corn starch
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic bowls
  • Paint brushes or fingers for painting : )
With my recipe
  1. I filled up a plastic bowl with about 3-4 cups of water 
  2. I then mixed in about 1 1/2 cups of corn starch (it should have a thicker consistency but all the corn starch should be mixed in, you don't want any clumps)
  3. Then I poured the mixture into 4 small plastic bowls
  4. Add 2-4 drops of food coloring to each bowl
  5. Take outside and have lots of fun
The kids painted for about an hour and and then starting coving their hands and feet and the dogs with the paint.  When we wee done I sprayed everyone and everything off with a hose and we are all sparkly clean.  Easy, fun and quick clean up what else could you ask for?

I am working on a few new things that I will have up as soon as I am finished.  Oh and sorry about the crapy pics, my camera is being repaired so I am having to use the built in camera on my laptop for all my pics : (


E - Onsie

Still working on the baby gifts - here is a onesie that I decided to make after seeing a tutorial for the ruffle butt here. I'm happy with the way it turned out - originally I gave it three strips of fabric for the ruffles - but I went back and added two more later because I wanted it fuller.
The E was a little work because I was trying to cover up a design on the onesie and if you look close a little pink shows through - but I'm not too concerned about it.
I know Rachelle's going to be putting together some sweet onesies here in the next couple of days. Be prepared to see some tie-dye :)


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey blog world, this is Rachelle here to share some pure awesomeness with you all. I saw this recipe for oreo truffles a while back and have been wanting to try it. So tonight after dinner my kids and I busted out the oreos and cream cheese (sounds gross but isn't) and we had at it. They are pure deliciousness! The kids each gobbled one down and licked every spoon and bowl that had chocolate on it clean before bed time. Which is probably why they are full of energy and have gotten out bed like 50 times already. I couldn't help but eat like 4 of them before letting them cool and now I am waiting for the rest to cool in the fridge before devouring them. They are probably horrible for you and packed with 1,000 calories each but they are so yummyyy that it makes the extra time at the gym worth it!
The pic above is how mine turned out. Keep in mind my presentation isn't the greatest simply because I had a 6 and 4 year old helping and I knew we were going to eat them all within an hour. Also I cut the recipe in half and made a smaller batch, after trying them I am kicking myself for doing that but I will be glad I did when I am trying to get in a bikini next week ; )